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Monday, July 21

MileStone in Subtitles [50 Subs thus Far & Counting]

I have reached a milestone of my own.
I've breached my target of uploading 50 subtitles.
At the time of writing this post, I've uploaded 57 subtitles :D

Yeah, I admit that not all of the subtitles were entirely my own.
Some were only edited, some were only translated to Malay (meaning the timing were not done by me), and some were work of my friend, tunjang.

However, translating to Malay language is not as easy as it seems.
Malay language is a unique language.

The words and phrases are usually longer than any other language, making it harder to make sentences to fit (so that the lines won't go longer than two lines).

There are no help from Google translation tool or Yahoo! BabelFish, because both sites have yet to come with Malay translation.

There are numerous words that doesn't have its equivalent in Malay.

To translate it directly from English is impossible.
To translate it directly from other language is plain stupid.

The way English sentences are constructed is totally opposite from Malay.

In English, it's Ice Lemon Tea, but in Malay it's Teh Limau Ais.

Ice = Ais
Lemon = Limau
Tea = Teh

I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on, but the point I'm making is that, translating to Malay language is no easy feat.

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And that made me so proud of my achievement.

All my subtitles can be found here :