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Friday, February 29

Jeanne [Paklah's Wife] : Change for the Better @ Only a Political Gimmick ?

8 days countdown to Malaysia's 12th General Election. Phew, with the election getting nearer each day, both governments and opposition parties (or alternative parties as I'd like to call it) are putting their best foot forward, hoping that the Rakyat will vote for them.

I have got nothing much to say about this coming election though, except for the mental aggravation & fatigue & eye strain & the 'brainwashing' I receive everyday from the TV. The radio is not spared, either. The prime-time news is being used as a campaigning machine, with talks about some representative doing what s*it, where s*it, threats of fear & uncertainty is being cast to the voters that might choose to vote for other party than theirs. News about some representatives who just recently realised that th people in their constituency has waited for 30 f**kin' years to get land title! Also about some representative that goes door-to-door telling the voters, "Hey, I'm your wakil rakyat. You may not have seen me as I'm only really working once every 5years, so forgive me." & who can watch this ad about voting for 'Meh le kita Melangkah sama², undilah kami', the blo0dy same ads repeated times & times again! Don't they have anything else to say?

Eh, aren't they just a caretaker now, since the Parliament is resolved to enable for the election to be called? Dacing, huh? I thought come this new millennium, modern technologies have long since replaced the 'dacing' with digital weighing machine. Hey, what's dacing in English, by the way?

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[New Straits Times, 29th Feb 08]

Laugh Out Loud ! I have always known that our PM, is advocating his version of Islam, Islam Hadhari. He has not received many support from his fellow Cabinet, him being the 1 & only person barking the slogan, whilst the others choose to remain silent about it. Oh, except for Sir Najib, who screams 'Dia cakap banyak, Letupkan aja....' Remember Altantuya?

Lol, but I digressed. I am actually wanting to bring the attention of my dear readers about the latest perkembangan to this election. It's none other than the First Lady of Malaysia!

Yeah, what about her?
Hehehe, can't you see? She's wearing tudung now!!
Change for the better perhaps?
Yeah, maybe .. But isn't it rather a 'lil too coincidental with the timing of the election? Ya laaa .....

I hope that she will continue to wear tudung long after the election's over.
However, if she chooses to wear it for other reason than to pertain Allah's praise,
then, the thing covering her head now is nothing but a political gimmick.

P/s: What will Mdm. Rosmah (Wife of DPM) do about it?

Listen to this clip, it is so funny !
Brought to you by http://www.comedycourt.com.my :